Monday, September 3, 2007

The campaign of all hearts!

Now and then coke does something great,in case you are wondering what it is that i am talking about,well,i am talking about this great idea of Coke cola!coke has made available a really fantastic opportunity for those thousands of amateur filmmakers out there as well as the general population as well.this opportunity that i am raving about is the new Coke zero opp.this opp is one where we all get to participate and get to direct and edit our own movie clips.that is right,now we can all try our hands at being the next Stephen Spielberg!
Coke has made available a lot of the resources that we may need in order to produce such clips at the site link given click on and try your hand at creating the next E.T.anyway the best clip wins!so how about doffing off your director's hat at this opp!what do you say!

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