Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Burns increasing the pressure on India!

Burns, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, is increasing the pressure on India as the ruling Congress party is mulling its options. I for one would not fancy being in the Prime Minister's shoes at the moment, not with the pressure that he is currently facing. Nicholas Burns, is slowly but surely turning the screws on India so as to ensure that the Nuclear deal does go through. George Bush needs at least one successful policy decision in his kitty and this is it.

If the Nuke deal falls flat, then Georgie boy will have nothing top show for this presidency except war,loss,debt and death. That's quite an achievement even for George Bush anyway he wants this deal to go through and he has indicated that he is not going to hold back as far as this deal goes.

Politically the Americans understand that if this deal does fall flat then the Russians who are waiting in the wings will just swoop in and then the U.S will be out of the picture as far as Asia goes. So for all the right reasons and the wrong reasons, both the democrats and the republicans in the United states want this deal to go through at all cost . The deal will happen, it is just a matter of timing but for George Bush, it is fast running out as the presidential elections are fast approaching the United states!



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