Thursday, January 31, 2008

The audio change!

With more and more webmasters popping up all over the place, it is getting harder and harder to make ones site stand out from the maddening crowd. These days everyone is trying their level best to make money from their blogs and websites with the help of ads. There is nothing wrong with trying to make some good money, but the problem is in getting noticed enough to earn some.

Here is where the Audio ads come in; these ads are the new avatar of ad marketing. They work like this, every time someone visits your site, they get to hear a 5-10 second audio file during which a promotional ad regarding some product like the Taco bell would play. The neat part of these audio ads is that they certainly make your sites stand out thereby getting you more traffic. What is more, you get paid per visitor and when a person hears an audio ad, he or she would be more tempted to check it out thereby garnering you more commission.

This is the next gen variation of the ads and I have to say that they are very effective not just as a marketing tool but also as an effective way to stand out and get counted. All in all the Audio ads as seen in the wall st. journal certainly bring a whole new glamour to your site and would go a long way to net you more money!

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