Monday, July 2, 2007

U.S.S Nimitz comes calling on India!

The U.S ship Nimitz comes calling on India and is due to dock off the Chennai coast on monday.this visit has started off a controversy of sorts with the communist parties in India up in arms against the visit.they see this visit by a nuclear powered ship as an unnecessary danger to India and her citizens.but the truth is that the communist parties would have been all smiles had the visitor been a Chinese ship or a Russian is almost funny to see them protesting on such empty issues.of course safety is naturally a concern but when every precaution has been taken then what reason do they have for protesting Nimitz visiting India.none,whatsoever!like i said had the visit been by a chinese or russian ship,the communist parties both of them would be at the docks with garlands to greet the visitors.since the visitors are americans,they have exchanged the garlands for brickbats.of course people should understand that most of the Indians are happy with Nimitz visiting India,it is the communist parties that are creating this unnecessary fuss.what is more they are doing this not because they see this visit as a danger,but their party policy demands that they do not hob nob with the capitalists and to protest against them whenever possible.the communist parties better watch out,they are surely losing their relevance in this modern world.gone are the days of socialist and communist policies,say hello to capitalist policies!

united states,india,nimitz,warship,nuclear,communist,

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