Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Worst Rain in Three decades!

Bihar is in floods and it is still raining there.it seems that Bihar and the North east of India has seen the heaviest downfall of rain to have come in the last three decades.if that was not enough the current government is not doing that much to alleviate the misery of its people.
Lets not forget that it is Bihar that we are talking about and that the infrastructure is already poor to begin with.the current government is doing the best that it could under the circumstances but lets face it,it is over strapped.the army should step in and I do not see what they are waiting for.as it is the water in Bihar is already chest high,maybe the army will step in with relief works after the rainwater increases to the top of one's head.also Bihar is one of the biggest states in India and it is not going to be easy to distribute relief.i do earnestly hope that the government of Bihar and India are doing something about it.in the meanwhile,the Met department,has predicted more heavy downpours for Bihar and the North east of India.it is certainly pouring down on everyone literally and figuratively!

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