Monday, August 6, 2007

India on the Hit list of Al-quaida!

A new video showing an American Al-quaida convert has threatened that both U.S and Indian projects and diplomatic missions are now legitimate targets for Al-Quaida.they have also threatened Russia as well.this is really nuts speaking about more nuts.anyone with any common sense would know that once you are a banned terrorist organisation that it is better to not draw any more unwanted attention.but with Al-Quaida,it seems that they want to take on all the world powers at one go.
This would only make the world powers all the more determined to wipe out the Al-quaida once and for that as it may,it is high time that people in general realise that anything acquired by force rarely lasts for long,case in example,saddam hussein!anyway the Indian government is taking the threat seriously and have already beefed up security.with Al-quaida going the way it has,it is only a question of time before it becomes extinct once and for all!

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