Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Indian tiger is on the prowl!!

Yesterday was the anniversary of Indian independence and i have to say that i am proud to be an Indian.the democracy and the freedom that it entails is a luxury that is enjoyed only by a few select countries.that is sad but the good part is that all over the world people are starting to change the way things once was.democracy is more cherished today then it ever was an Indian,yes,there are still many things that have to change vis-a-vis India but on the whole we have indeed made a very remarkable process from a country that was once in the grip of a famine to becoming an exporter of food grains to the rest of the world.

In the perfect Utopian world,if a country becomes developed or is in the threshold of becoming one as India is,then things would just be picture perfect,would it not?
but the hard reality is that there is no such thing as a Utopian world,it is just a fantasy to which we all strive for.take for example the world superpower,do we hear any news of the countless number of homeless people who spend their nights beneath the flyovers?because we all like to things Utopian and as such we all like to believe that since America is supposed to be a developed country that there are no such things there.but we are wrong,there are and their numbers go up day by day.

Anyway,as regards India,we still have a long way to is correct that there have to be more social reforms done here but by and large we have managed to contain the caste system to the villages.soon,hopefully they will be eradicated forever.also the Supreme court of India has time limited the reservation,which means that is is only a matter of time before every Indian is treated as equal no matter where he/she comes from.our economy is booming and issues like corruption are being addressed more actively today than they ever were before.we have indeed come a long way and there is still so much to do.from being dependent on foreign food exports to becoming an exporter ourselves we have also used one of the legacies that our colonials had left us,the English language.true,as Indians we or rather our forefathers have all suffered under the British yoke,but instead of discarding the legacy that they had left us we have very cleverly used it to prop us into the future and because of that,the reality of the Indian superpower is now before us.

India,Independence,economy,united states,

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