Friday, June 22, 2007

NDTV goes aggresive!

NDTV is the top of all the news channels that is currently available in India.and they have shown a degree of Proffesional behaviour that is even better than those shown by the CNN Reporters.but of late,the channel has been getting aggresive in its may say that such aggresive behaviour on the part of a channel may be unbecomng but then again in this World we are often faced with burning issues that require such aggresive behaviour for tackling them down.lets take a recent incident,we are all familiar with the BMW case.the NDTV people exposed the Nexus between the defense and the prosecution wherein both the defense and the Prosecution were colloborating to get the righ man off from facing the serious consequences of the law especially when he ran over and killed some ordinary labourers.i say,Kudos to NDTV for that expose and such behaviour on the part of a news channel is indeed warranted especially when we have such burning issues of corruption and murder to consider!

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