Saturday, June 30, 2007

The shady madam president??

It is indeed sad that such things have come to pass,wait a minute!it has not yet cme to that but may very well happen and soon at that.never in the history has there been a more unsuitable candidate for the high position as that of the president of India.Pratibha Patel,a woman who was once the governor of rajasthan,now is the cynosure of everyone's eyes.she has the backing of the ruling party as well as the others in the coalition in the by numbers alone she is almost sure to become the next president OF India.but the sad truth is that there are many allegations of misuse of power and appropriation of funds from a bank in which ms Pratibha Patel was one of the directors on the board.what is more worryng is the fact that one of her first duties as the member of the board of directors was to appoint her other family members as the directors of the board as well.recently a mureder allegation has surfaced against the presidential nominee's[Pratibha patel] brother.if that was not enough,an RBI report has also surfaced listing out the financial misdeeds of ms Prathibha Patel and her family.naturally the ruling party has come out and accused the BJP of a mudslinging campaign against ms Prathibha Patel.but ladies and gentlemen do we need a president who obviously has so many skeletons in the closet?after current incumbent president naturally it may not be possible to be as popular s president Abdul J Kalam,but do we need a nominee who has raised more questions than has given any answer to the allegations against her.the post of the president of India is one of the highest positions in this country and as such any person who applies for such a post MUST be above reproach and this nominee with such a shady past has certainly not done that!

india,president,abdul j kalam,bjp,prathibhapatel,

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