Friday, June 8, 2007

The Taj record!

The updated version of the seven wonders of the world now lists the Taj Mahal as one of them.the Taj Mahal is a shrine to love and it stands tall amongst all the other wonders.the other wonders may have all been built for one ordinary purpose or the other.but in the whole wide world that we live in today,there is only one building which epitomizes love and that is the Taj Mahal.
The story behind it is indeed tragic and moving.the whole building was built more as a memorial for a lost love,a love that drove an emperor almost to the brink of seems to be true that love conquers all and that is totally true especially when one views the Taj under the light of a full moon with the Yamuna river meandering nearby.of course all the other wonders of the world are all equally great.but they were all built for the glorification of self rather than for 'a lost cause'.one of the reasons that the Taj story is so moving is that although the emperor Shah Jahan literally put his all into the building of the Taj,he was at the time of his completion imprisoned by his son Aurangazeb.Imagine falling so totally in love with someone,an then that person you build a fantastic memorial for her.once it is completed,you imagine yourself visiting your loved one in that beautiful memorial but then,you are taken a prisoner by your own are imprisoned in a building right across the Taj and you ca only look out across the river to that sight but you can never visit it ever would you feel?
that is why the love that the Taj signifies is more of a love of the intense hopeless kind.after all that is what real love is all about,right?love knows no reason therefore has only a heart which beats in harmony!

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