Sunday, June 3, 2007

Realtors go high tech!

Here in India as well as anywhere else in the world we all see this huge billboards advertising one product or the other.but the problem is that we rarely remember what the billboard is advertising becasue we are busy concentrating on driving,so we often do not remember the name of the product or the contact numbers.but Realtors can now tie up with House4Cell ajnd advertise their product in such a way that a larger group pf people not only remember thier product but more importantly they contact the realtors.
this is done by way of mobile marketing.that is,when a customer passes the sign with the realtors ad,in his car,he sees a code in the sign which he texts it by mobile and right away he receives all the details as well as'nt that great?
that is what Cellit Mobile Marketing does!

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