Monday, February 11, 2008

Id theft on the rise!

You must have all heard of 'phishing' ,it is a form of ID theft, where the criminal in question makes you think that you are receiving an email from your bank and make you click on the link in that email. On clicking that link, you would be taken to a site which would resemble your bank's site but in reality it would be just a mirror site set up by the scammer. In the end, you would end up revealing all of your passwords to a criminal who would naturally use them to siphon all of your money away. These days, in order to prevent such forms of Id theft from ever taking place, it has become pertinent to use LifeLock.

The digital age has certainly made it easier for the criminals to attack us and to get away with it. As a result of our job or personal reasons, we tend to use the internet most of the time for our financial transactions, from something as natural as booking an airline ticket to reserving a hotel room. For such transactions, we would probably use our credit card. To prevent our cards from being hacked, it is always a good idea to use Life Lock.

These days 'prevention is indeed better than cure' as getting hold of these criminals is so difficult. Which is why it is always a good idea to use sites like to protect your identity and these guys do such a good job of it, even going as far as to guaranteeing your identity up to 1,000,000$. So, if you want to know more, just click on the links above and come on in!

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