Friday, February 8, 2008

Kidney kingpin captured in Nepalese resort!

I have to say that Nepal seems to be a homing beacon for all sorts of criminals from the likes of Charles Shobraj to dr.Amit kumar. This doctor would have even given Megle a few lessons in how to make money effectively by selling human body parts.
The laws governing the sale and trafficking of human body parts may be a bit vague but it is still considered a crime.

This doctor from hell, had duped about 600 odd patients and sold their kidney parts and made off with all the money. According to the recent expose conducted by the NDTV and a few other television channels, this doctor assured you of a kidney just for the payment of 10 - 15 lakh rupees. Most of his patients were from Europe and the United states. In the end, the doctor took advantage of the poverty of many a native Indian, paid them a few thousand rupees upfront and lied to them about how safe it is to donate a kidney and took their kidneys and sold it for lakhs of rupees.

Today, the many who were duped of their kidney suffer from one ailment or the other while this doctor enjoys a good life in a nice resort with both his kidneys still intact.

This profession was supposed to safeguard the human life whereas thanks to the likes of Amit kumar, it has now become a whole sale market. So the next time your doctor tells you that it is perfectly safe to donate a kidney, be careful!

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