Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pakistani polls, a futile exercise?

Will the music of democracy ever play in Pakistan ever again? With the Human rights indicating that it is standing by its stand that one of the top officials in Pakistan had indicated that there is going to be an 'all out' rigging so that Musharraf's party wins the polls, more and more doubts are being cast on an election which no one believes will ever take place.
And even if it did take place, no one in Pakistan is willing to lay any bets on it being fair and square. With the United States willing to rubber stamp the 'elections' by sending three U.S senators to over see it. What are they here to oversee, the rigging?
They may as well announce the winners as Musharraf's party right now and get done with it. Why bother going to the extent of holding an election when we all know that it is an exercise in imagination and one that does not exercise the people's mandate?

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