Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Bikini killer may get away!

It seems that the 'Snake' may soon wriggle out of his prison after all. The Charles shobraj case rocked the world many years ago and it still seems to have that impact all over. Charles Shobraj was captured in Nepal and found guilty of having killed a dutch tourist and his girlfriend. The police managed to tie him down with the confession that the 'Snake' gave to the Indian police while he was a guest of Indian police. He eluded the Indian police and escaped only to be captured later on in Nepal, where he was charged with the murder of the dutch tourist.
He was found guilty by the Nepalese high court but now on appeal to the Nepalese supreme court,the Judges have found that the evidence against the Snake is too flimsy and they have asked the prosecution team to provide more evidence in this matter. Can they do it, will the Snake be sent away for good this time around? Do stay tuned for episode 2!

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