Friday, December 28, 2007

The World calls to us and what do we do?

With all the news from the rest of the world with assassinations and misery here and there, I think that it is high time that we all took a firm resolve to help the others out. These days the paper seems to be filled with nothing but bad news on both the news articles and the economical section as well. With the recent nandigrqam fiasco where the ruling government tried to take over the villagers land by force and that led to this huge hullabaloo, It is high time that we all stood up and did the right thing. Thank god that everything did work out for those villagers but that is not the case with a whole lot of other people. We should stop thinking of ourselves and try and do something to help the others and we should do this because we want to help and not for some ulterior motive. That is exactly what Boat Angel is doing with its Boat Donations.

The difference that Boat angel is making in other people lives is tremendous to say the least. We can do the same and all we have to do is to make the very first step and take part in these Charity Boat Donations. If we do not take care of each other, then who will be there to take care of us when we need it the most? I understand that most of us are very busy with our lives as such, but I am sure that we all can do a little bit more, not for us but for the sake of others.

Here at Boat angel that is what they do, they try and make the other people's lives a little better and one of the ways that they do it is by way of these donations. They have already had such a huge impact on the lives of so many troubled people and now it is time for us to something of the same. We get to donate a boat and these donations are for the production and the distribution of the Children's Christian Animations on Free DVDs with shipping totally free and now anyone and everyone can order them!

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