Monday, December 24, 2007

Modi routs the Congress in Gujarat!

It seems that the people of Gujarat want the 'Ugly indian' to rule once again, of course, many people call him fascist and many more titles in addition to that, but Modi has had the last laugh today.
The BJP party was never unified in Gujarat and there were many opponents to Narendra Modi in his very own party. Not only did he manage to overcome the inter-party rivalry but also gave the Congress party a routing that it is not going to find it easy to forget.

The elections in Gujarat were held under strained circumstances with all political parties, conveniently forgetting that all are equal under the Indian constitution and playing the race card. Even Sonia Gandhi could not restrain herself and called Modi the merchant of death. With insults flying at him from all corners, and with his parent party unable to do anything much about it, Modi overcame all those jeers.
Having won the elections, the jeers from the opposition in Gujarat is indeed silenced once and for all. One can only hope that we do not end up having a Godhra redux version all over again!

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