Friday, December 14, 2007

The end of days for the Indian government!

It seems that the current Indian government may face elections sooner than ever, it is caught between a rock and a very immovable hard Left. Whichever decision it undertakes vis-a-vis the Nuclear deal, it has to alienate some of its so called allies.
Lets all take a breather and take a look at this deal, first of all, is this deal good for India - although most of the educated populace may say no at the first time as I was of the same opinion the ground reality is that India is not going to get any deal better than this. That is the nub of the matter, no one is going to step forward and say that India is a nuclear power and we are okay with India building up its nuclear arsenal. So in the long run of things, this deal is the best thing that has happened to India seeing that we do not have that many deals knocking on our front door.

The Russians had offered a similar deal but without the 'yea' of the NSG group so even if the prime minister had gone ahead and signed that deal with the Russians, the NSG group would have blocked it. The Russians would not have lost anything much by that deal getting blocked but our credibility would have hit rock bottom and we may as well forget getting that clearance in the near future.
The Left parties, the allies of the current government seem to be only good at one thing and that is sowing destruction wherever they go to. Take the case of Nandigram, we all know that they were behind the whole dastardly affair, but did the CPI[m] leader have the courtesy to even offer a simple apology, NO, he did not. All he said was that the nandigram villagers were paid with the same coin and this comment came from the chief minister ruling that state. This should tell you about the mentality of the Left parties. Currently they are busy blackmailing the current Congress government and they have warned the Congress party publicly that if they do not toe the Left's line regarding the Americans and the Indo - U.S nuclear deal, then they, the Left parties will withdraw support to the current government and that they would have to face general elections sooner than later.

The Left parties seem to think that they can get away with anything, and now they are trying to impress their ideology of hating anything to do with the west on the entire nation. The Congress party is under pressure to put up with the Left but there is a limit and it has been reached a long time ago. No one with backbone would put up with the antics of the Left parties and the time has come to show the Left parties to take the road. Of course, it would mean that we all would have to face general elections again but that is okay if it means that the left will have no more say in the running of this country.
The Congress party has to realise that the longer they put up with the left parties, they are only tarnishing their own image and it is high time that they stood up for what they believe in.

kremlin,manmohan singh,congress party,sonia gandhi,george bush,nandigram,Buddhadeb,nuclear deal,


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