Monday, December 31, 2007

India and Myanmar - no more weapons!

India, it seems has finally given in to world opinion and it has decided to no longer sell any more arms to the military Junta. This news broke out in the Washington post and it has been independently confirmed by them as well.
Of course, as to the veracity of this news, one can be sure of it, at least until the government here does a turnaround and start selling arms to the Junta all over again.
But this action taken by one of the Junta's closest allies, is bound to send a stern message to the Junta that they cannot do business in the way that they have been doing all these years. It is high time that the Junta realise that anything attempted by force does not last for long and that the reconciliation process between the Junta and the democratically elected leader of Myanmar,Aung San Suu Kyi should be put on the fast track!

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