Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Beijing praises India for slighting the Dalai!

Recently an advisory was sent out by the Indian ministry asking all of its cabinet ministers to stay away from a felicitation ceremony for the Dalai Lama. As a result even though they were all invited most of the cabinet ministers choose to stay away from the function.
What is surprising many is the level of animosity that the Red Dragon is showing the Dalai lama. As such the Dalai lama poses no threat to China yet according to Beijing it is case of 'no holds barred' when it comes to the leader of Free Tibet. Tibet by itself has no value either strategically or economically and of late it has been more of a strain on China's coffers than anything else. So why is the level of animosity on an increase instead of the other way down? But these are queries that I shall try to answer in another post. But what has surprised me is the way that the Indian ministers are doing their best to please China and the brazen way that they are going about this is certainly making the rounds in the diplomatic corps!


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