Thursday, November 29, 2007

Karnataka assembly gets dissolved!

The president of India dissolved the Karnataka assembly today and reinstated the presidents rule in the state. I have to say that for all those who are majoring in civics and matters of the state, what is happening in Karnataka must be great news to them as they get to see first hand the inner workings of the Government.
It is sad that the results of the last democratic elections have to be all swept under the rug like this, and this happened, all because a father and son duo got too power hungry. But you know what they say, behave like an ass and you will get treated like one.
The people of Karnataka as well as the people of India are not going to forget this, after all it is their hard earned money that is being washed down the drain like waster water. Every time the elections are held, be they local or general elections cores of rupees are spent and all this comes from the pockets of the common man. And now, with both assemblies being dissolved and the presidents rule back in force in the state, the people of Karnataka will have to wait another 6 months before another democratically elected government can take over!



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