Thursday, November 29, 2007

Emergency to be lifted on Dec 16th?

Musharraf seems to be intent on throwing everyone off balance and that is what he did with the latest announcement that the emergency is to be lifted on December the 16th. Of course the rest of the world will rather wait and see what Musharraf does and truth be told, one cannot blame them for wanting to take whatever Musharraf says with a rather heavy dose of salt. As for the rivals for power in Pakistan, Nawaz sharif and Benazir bhutto, it seems that one of them has decided to boycott the elections where as the other one is under undue pressure from the Americans to contest the elections.

What am I talking about? Well the game for power in Pakistan has began and the Americans as well as Musharraf realise that the Pakistan that accepted military rule in the past will not do so in the current atmosphere, therefore some semblance of democracy should be restored to Pakistan. The Americans would very much prefer that Pakistan be jointly ruled by both the 'Dictatorial' Musharraf and the versatile Bhutto. Even Musharraf realises that Bhutto is the key to his survival in this game for the ultimate power since both he and Sharif detest each other, therefore they would not support one other. Bhutto is fast becoming the most wanted person in Pakistan, one one hand, the entire opposition would like for her to boycott the elections altogether and since the integrity of the current election commission is not all that great, any current elections held under them can be easily overturned by the Supreme court. That said, on the other hand I am sure that Benazir Bhutto realises that the current election could very well see to her becoming the Prime minister again.l Things are very turbulent at the very least in Pakistani politics and I am sure that a few years from now, someone would make a very good soap opera about the whole thing!

Pakistan,politics,Musharraf,emergency,Martial law,


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