Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Nandigram shocker!

Just when you think that you know what the politicians are capable of, they do something that makes you think them as someone lesser than animals. Politicians are a breed unto themselves and that breed in particular behaves worse than animals from time to time. i am sure that there are A lot of politicians who are good and honest. But by and large, they are a minority.
What has happened in Nandigram is a case in example, Nandigram is a village located in West bengal, governed by the Left parties. The left parties had proposed to build a SEZ there in Nandigram in collusion with the TATA group and to this end they wanted to evacuate the villagers. The villagers were not interested in moving and fought tooth and nail for their village and their huts.After all, you may find that a beggar would fight all the more fiercely for his torn blanket than you or i would have. The villagers did not have much but whatever they had, they held onto it with dignity and respect. The Left parties sent in the rowdies to displace the villagers forcibly and in the process, raped some of the children of the villagers, shot a few women and men in the backs as they were fleeing and literally terrorised the entire village from top to bottom. In this process, they managed to strip away the dignity and the respect that these villagers held onto. Where is the justice fro Nandigram? Should a chief minister be allowed to hold office after it has been proved that this party and his party alone which was responsible for what has happened at Nandigram? To shoot someone in the back as they are fleeing is not just cowardly but nefarious as well. The villagers are all shell shocked and all of this was done in the name of development and money for the politicians pockets. Where is the justice? Will this cry bring the guilty to dock?



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