Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bhutto soon to be arrested!

Benazir has returned to Pakistan and is currently sitting in the plane waiting to be either arrested or deported. Either way, she is determined to call Musharraf on his threat of destroying her. At the moment, Pakistani politics are in a very turbulent stage and no one knows what tomorrow will bring,literally.
General Musharraf has destabilised Pakistan and all for his desire for power. I guess that his desire for power is much stronger than his oath that he would do all he can to uphold the democratic principles that are enshrined in the constitution of Pakistan. With the way that things are going, it remains to be seen if the current Pakistan-India matches would take place or if the PCB would call the matches off?
I earnestly hope that the latter does not happen and that it would be business as usual for the game of cricket which has certainly bought these two nations much more closer than before!


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