Friday, November 2, 2007

Karnataka waiting with baited breath for its new leader!

Karnataka politics has all been about personal gain on the part of the last chief minister H.D Kumaraswamy and his father Deva gowda. Having seen that neither the Congress party nor the BJP were willing to allow the father and son duo to control the reins of power in Karnataka, they had no choice but to support the BJP for the position of the Chief Minister of Karnataka. But as things heated up within the JD[S], the Deva Gowda party for having supported the BJP, Deva gowda issued a letter or a proclamation of sorts, telling the BJP in no uncertain terms that the JD[S] would support them only if they act according to the will and the wishes of the JD[S]. In simple terms, the JD[S] want to control the power behind the throne.
Anyway the politicians have all given letters of support, supporting BJP's claim to the position of the chief minister, to the Governor of Karnataka. The Governor is coming under enormous pressure to take a decision on this matter right away. All eyes are on the Governor's next move as well as on the president of India, Pratibha Patel!



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