Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Left does not mean change!

We have all been here since the beginning of this saga of the Indo - U.S nuclear deal and I have to say that after reading yesterday's paper where it had mentioned that the Left parties were now okay with the government of India approaching the IAEA for a safeguards agreement, that they have come to their senses. But that relief was short lived as the Left parties clarified their stand today by saying to the media that they are still very much opposed to the Nuclear deal and that if the Prime Minister was to go ahead that they would in all probability pull down this government.
The left parties are still living in ancient times and as far as the Left parties go, no development is good news to them. Is it any surprise that Calcutta, the bastion of the Left parties is so underdeveloped when compared to the other metros, forget the all famous tram system that they have. That has been there since the days of the Raj and so one cannot take it as a mark of development. But other than that, there have not been much movement on the development issues. The left parties would like nothing better than to totally cut off all diplomatic relations with the United states as they consider anything capitalistic in nature to be against their ideologies. Like I said, the Left parties are indeed living in very ancient times and Capitalism is the path of the the future and the Congress party, has to make up its mind soon as to whether it still wants to continue with this ally who seems to be intent of blackballing any development issue that India has especially if the Untied states or the west or involved in it in some way or the other.
The Congress party has to realise that if it does not go ahead with the Nuclear deal, then it stands to lose all credibility before the nation and as a result the damage to its electoral performances the nest time around will be incalculable and no amount of damage control will change that. So it has to make up its mind and tell the Left parties to either ' like it or lump it'.

Tags: India,Congress,Nuclear deal,Foreign policy,Elections,

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