Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The end of emergency in Pakistan?

There are rumors floating in Pakistan that Musharraf will lift the emergency within 48 hrs. As to the veracity of that rumor that remains to be seem but it was a very similar rumor that had forecast the imposition of the emergency itself.
But common sense suggests that although the imposition of the emergency was easy the removal of it would not be all that easy. For one, Musharraf would want to chalk out an exit strategy for himself and his family before the emergency can be lifted and the Supreme court judges reinstated. At the very lease, he would expect to grant himself and his friends and family members a 'full amnesty' so that no cases can be filed against him or his coterie. After all, that is what all dictators seek out to do when they are pondering an exit strategy, are they not? Take the case of Pinochet, even after all the proof that is stacked so high against him, yet, justice could not hold full sway in his case. So the case against Musharraf will not be all that different and maybe, just maybe, he may even end up seeking political asylum in India, because in the end, even presidents do not stay forever. The Murphy's law would hold so true in the case of Musharraf!


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