Monday, November 19, 2007

Shame on Banglore!

It is indeed a shame that Karnataka is to head for elections all over again and all because a few narrow minded politicians do not know the meaning of the word sacrifice.The BJP-JD[s] coalition fell through all because the BJP party refused to become beholden to the JD[s] party whose support to the continuance of the BJP government was crucial. That said, I have to say that what the BJP party did was tall it could do to hold on to its dignity especially as this is the second time that the JD[S] party has led down the state and the nation.

It is with good cause that the people of Karnataka are very angry with the JD[S] party as they did not want the state to face another round of elections and all in such a short time. Who is to blame for this fiasco? Well, none other than mr Deva gowda and his power hungry son, Kumaraswamy. I have heard that politicians know no honor but these two certainly take the cake when it comes to that. They have no intention of honoring any promises that they had made to the state and the people , so why on earth should we expect this duo to honor anything that they have made to other political parties.
Bangalore is all set to head for another round of elections and I earnestly hope that this time around that the JD[S] does not garner that many votes. The bjp party has indeed acted with aplomb and decency, something that mr deva gowda and his son do not seem to know much about!

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